Implementacija digitalne dostopnosti

Zakaj je pomembno, da organizacije upoštevajo politiko digitalne dostopnosti?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer is “Because a digital accessibility policy ensures long-term digital accessibility of a company website.” With a digital accessibility policy, a company defines the responsibility of different employees for publishing on a company website and for managing digital accessibility.

Kaj moramo upoštevati pri implementaciji digitalne dostopnosti?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer is “To involve people with disabilities.” With involving people with disabilities, one can better understand what is needed to be done and why.

Kaj so dolžnosti organov javnega sektorja v povezavi z Direktivo (EU) 2016/2102 za dostopnost spletnih strani in mobilnih aplikacij?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer is “All of the above.” According to the EU directive, public sector bodies need to: publish, regularly monitor and update an accessibility statement for the websites, ensure the possibility of giving feedback and request accessible information and ensure digitally accessible websites according to WCAG.

Kako ocenimo dostopnost spletne strani?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer is “With Evaluation tools and knowledgeable human evaluation.” Evaluation tools cannot evaluate the meaningfulness of the content. Therefore, knowledgeable human evaluation is still needed.

Vključevanje digitalne dostopnosti je koristno za vsa podjetja, ne le za organe iz javnega sektorja. Digitalna dostopnost lahko:

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer is “All of the above.” That includes: strengthening brand presence, improving customer experience, and extending market reach.

Implementacija digitalne dostopnosti
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