Kratica POUR za WCAG pomeni:
The correct answer is “Perceivable, Operable, Understandable and Robust”.
Katera minimalna stopnja skladnosti s standardom WCAG je zahtevana s strani EU Direktive 2016/2102 za spletne strani organov iz javnega sektorja?
The correct answer is “AA”.
Česa evalvacijska orodja ne zmorejo?
The correct answer is “Check all accessibility aspects automatically.” Evaluation tools cannot evaluate the meaningfulness of the content. Therefore, knowledgeable human evaluation is still needed.
Kdo nam lahko s povratnimi informacijami pomaga narediti spletno stran bolj dostopno?
The correct answer is “All of the above.” Valuable feedback can be provided by digital accessibility experts, elderly people, children and people with disabilities.
Kdo ali kaj nam lahko pomaga pri preverjanju skladnosti dostopnosti do spletnih strani?
The correct answer is “Involving professional and experienced accessibility evaluators.” It is advised to use all of the options (that include involving users, evaluation tools). However, it is required at least to involve professional and experienced accessibility evaluators.
If you would like to deepen your knowledge on Digital Accessibility, we invite you to enroll in one of our Certified training modules.
And don't forget to subscribe to newsletter, so we can keep you updated.
If you would like extend your knowledge on Digital Accessibility, we invite you to enroll in one of our Certified training modules.
And don't forget to subscribe to newsletter, so we can keep you updated.
If you would like to learn about Digital Accessibility, we invite you to enroll in one of our Certified training modules.
And don't forget to subscribe to newsletter, so we can keep you updated.
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